What is my Body Type?
Obviously different people have different body types, and different body types have different nutritional and training needs.
For example we all know the skinny person who can seem to eat whatever they want yet they never gain weight. Conversely, I put on weight easily: I seemingly gain muscle by just going near the gym and I gain fat just by smelling food.
When we talk about body types we usually use the term “somatotype.” This term was invented by Dr. William H. Sheldon in the 1940s, and he breaks human bodies into three different types.
Whenever you are reading about bodybuilding, fitness, or weight loss you are likely to hear this term, as well as the three somatotypes he defined: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph.
So, exactly what are they?
Ectomorph: An ectomorph is thin and lightly muscled. Gaining any kind of weight, including muscle, is tougher – it simply takes longer. You may have heard the term hardgainer used for an ectomorph.
The skinny person who can seem to eat anything and not put on weight is an ectomorph.
Mesomorph: A mesomorph is athletic and gains or loses weight easily. They naturally have a hard and muscular appearance, and they build muscle easily.
Endomorph: An endomorph has a soft flabby body. They gain weight easily, but naturally have underdeveloped muscles. Losing weight is difficult for an endomorph. Conversely, an endomorph responds quickly to weight training and builds muscle quickly.
Now you may not fit exactly into one of these categories. From my description above, you might guess that I am between a mesomorph and an endomorph. Obviously I want to look more like a mesomorph, and with proper diet and training I do.
Obviously your genetics determine your body type or somatotype, but anyone can improve their body.
I’ve know ectomorphs, naturally thin and lightly muscled people, who have build impressive physiques through smart and dedicated training and nutrition.
I also know endomorphs, naturally fat and round people, who are ripped. Yes, it is harder for them than the naturally muscular and fit, but very possible.
You can also be a mesomorph, a naturally athletic, muscular and fit person, who is an out of shape fat sack of shit! Unfortunately this is the fate of a lot of great high school and college athletes.
Training and nutrition needs are obviously different for different body types. As someone tending towards mesomorph, I need to watch what I eat with an emphasis on not eating too much of the wrong foods or too much food in general. An ectomorph in contrast needs to focus on eating enough of the right foods with little if any fear on eating too much!
Bodybuilding works for any somatotype, and you can improve your body significantly. Your genetics, and body type, obviously matter, and while you and I will never look like Arnold Schwarzenegger is his prime, we all have the capability to build great bodies!
Very familiar from school – I’m an ectomorph, a hard gainer.
I have greatly improved my body over the past few years, but it has taken a lot of dedicated hard work and proper nutrition.
Is this related to Phrenology too?
Ted Baldwin
Very funny Robert, Phrenology is the (formerly) disclaimer science of head shapes – where terms like “lowbrow” and “high brow” have some from 🙂
As an ectomorph, as you know, you can build a great body but building muscle is slow and hard – eating ENOUGH quality calories can be hard. Many ecto’s swear by a protein shake before bedtime, to help prevent from going catabolic during sleep.
A lightbulb just went off in my head – “hardgainer” is “ectomorph.”
I knew I was a hardgainer, but never connected that with ectomorph – duhhh!
I find it is hard to eat enough – protein shakes especially at bed time help a lot to keep my caloric intake up.
Like you write, I thought I was eating a lot of calories until a training buddy and I started eating together more often. He is MUCH larger than me and ate waaaaay more. I measured my calories best as I could for a week, and yup, they were pretty low.
Since I’ve upped my food intake I’m making sloooow but steeeeady progress 🙂
Ted Baldwin
As an Ecto, it’s going to be slooow.
If you keep it steady, you can make amazing body transformations.
There are some ectos out there you would never guess are ectos – through hard work and dedication they have truly sculpted awesome physiques!